Women in Dairy

Our RAMHP Coordinators, Aimee, Jen and Jamie were on hand at the NSW Women in Dairy ‘Bale Up’ Conference in September with a very special launch of ‘Moo Sky Air’.

‘Passengers’ were reminded to put their oxygen mask on first before helping others; consider how much excess baggage might be costing you; who or what helps you when you hit turbulence; and life vests keep you afloat, but you still have to learn to swim – all very important prompts when it comes to thinking about our mental health.

RAMHP also treated attendees to a candle-making workshop. In line with this year’s theme, ‘New Heights/Big City Lights’, this activity was all about self-care and something that could be re-created easily at home.

“We encourage participants to light their candles when they return home, serving as a meaningful reminder of the importance of prioritising your wellbeing,” said Jamie.